Regret is a hard thing. Time lost can never be returned. If you could rewind the clock, would you? I go back and forth with this myself. Because on the one hand, you wouldn’t be where you are today had things went differently (in my opinion). But I am also someone who believes that everything happens for a reason. That reason might not be obvious, but there is a reason. Because I believe in a God who created the universe and all its inhabitants, and who watches over us. Multiple studies have polled individuals on their belief in a higher power. Based on a 2014 study conducted by PEW research, 63 % of Americans believe there is a God. Personally, I find it shocking when people say they don’t believe in God. I see the world and all that is in it and think there is no way that this was all just randomly created. No this was intentional. Look at the complexity of a single human cell, or the wide diversity of plant and animal life on this planet. And for those who argue the big bang theory for the beginning of the universe, yes it is possible. And that being the case, a prime mover is necessary. Because you can’t have something from nothing unless a force acted upon it to start the reaction. Which would then mean that an all-powerful, eternal being would have been needed to create that something out of nothing.
This calls to my mind, a theory called Pascal’s Wager; which was developed by Blaise Pascal, a french philosopher, and scientist, who lived during the 17th century. He proposed the following argument below on the consequences of believing or not believing in the existence of God. See the grid below which explains his theory. Picture is from

Basically, you can break this into 4 different scenarios:
1) You don't believe in God and God exists, so when you die you go to Hell.
2) You don't believe in God and God doesn't exist, so when you die nothing happens.
3) You believe in God and God doesn't exist, so when you die nothing happens.
4) You believe in God and God exists, so when you die you go to Heaven.
What would you wager your life on?