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I am always working to improve my writing. This blog was the first leap of faith I took in sharing my writing with the public. At first, it started out as a smattering of posts based on what I was most interested in learning. Then I realized while I can write about a variety of things, what really matters is the motivations of my audience. As a result, most of the content here is geared towards inspiring you to become the best version of yourself.

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Trust The Process

When you're working towards a specific goal that takes time, it's normal to get impatient. To want to rip your hair out even. In this...

Lead With Humility

Humility is highly underrated. It's also misunderstood and misconstrued. Often humility is perceived as being weak or self deprecating....

Dig Deeper

If you want to find where your greatness lies, you have to dig deeper. The act of digging is all about discovering what's beneath. If...

Attention Late Bloomers

Do you ever feel like you're embarrassingly behind in life? Like you see things happening for others, while you feel stuck? If this is...

No More Excuses

Excuses. We all make them right? I'll do it tomorrow; I am too tired today; I don't have the qualifications etc. We make excuses and...

Mindful Not Mind Empty

Today is a Gift Perhaps you've heard the saying "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that's why we call it the...

Your Time is Your Time

There are givers and there are takers in this world. It might sound obvious, but some people give you their time, while others take it....

A Business is Like a Baby

Starting a business is like taking care of a newborn. In the beginning, it’s small, it’s defenseless, and it needs lots of attention. You...

Right Now?

Do you ever find yourself asking "why right now"? As if the timing of things happening in your life seems so out of place. Be it...


Ever heard the song Closing time by Semisonic? The words “every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end” come to mind. I also...

Well That Was Enlightening

This weekend while I was out and about, I bought a lamp. After I had set it up at home and screwed in the light bulb, something seemed...

Was That Intentional?

Intentionality is a big thing for me. That is, knowing what you are doing and why you are doing it. Take for example creating a logo for...

Do You Ever Wonder...

Regret is a hard thing. Time lost can never be returned. If you could rewind the clock, would you? I go back and forth with this myself....

Progress is a Process

For all of you go-getters out there who are hard on yourself, this is for you! First of all, you are doing better than you think you are....

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